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Open bar at the wedding: 3 things to know

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Everything about the organization of your wedding has been completed: holdings , bomboniere , auto , placeholder , shoes , clothes, entertainment and honeymoon . There are some things, however, that need to be still decided , which are not essential to the success of the marriage itself, but which contribute to making it a unique and particular event . Among these, in addition to the sugared and at the corner for setting up the wedding cake , there is the choice of open bar .

What is the open bar?

In English open bar means “ open bar ” which, to paraphrase, indicates the possibility for the spouses to provide free access to their guests at cocktails and liqueurs , making young and old happy that they only want to think about having fun and enjoying the happiness of the spouses. But before organizing an open bar it would be advisable to think of some factors that could contribute to its good or bad success.

Choose drinks

Before deciding whether or not to choose for the open bar, it is important to know and understand what drinks you want to serve . Regarding the choice of alcoholic beverages it is better to be advised by experts in the sector, while as far as wines are concerned, throw yourself on not too complicated choices, otherwise you risk proposing tastes difficult that would not be understood. Better to prefer simple wines that can adapt to everyone’s tastes and palates.

Avoid the cash bar

A marriage must be fundamentally elegant and sophisticated ; so the choice to set up an open bar in which, however, its guests should pay for drinks in cash completely dismantles the original idea of ​​the open bar, and that is soft drinks provided free to all guests. So avoid the cash variant of the open bar because it is not nice for guests and could turn up many noses.

Pay for consumption

A technical tip for a successful open bar is to agree with the supplier to pay only for what the guests have consumed. In fact, we imagine that we have paid a fairly large sum for a material and that the guests only consume half of it. It would be a waste of money and considerable resources. Therefore it is useful to ask the location or supplier to be able to pay only for consumption.

The choice of some elements that are not essential to the wedding, but that make it special, represent details to which attention must be paid. Among these is the choice of the open bar. We hope in the article to have provided useful advice to all those who are not yet convinced to choose it or not.

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