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5 ideas to entertain wedding guests in an original way

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Marriage is also a time of aggregation and participation with the guests. Dear people, choices between family and friends, to accompany you after the church ceremony to celebrate the happy union. From guestbooks for the wishes of the people most dear to soap bubbles and interactive and dynamic photos, here are some ideas to entertain your guests.

The wedding guestbook to preserve the best wishes of your loved ones over time

The wedding guestbook is a very precious object for the spouses and a nice idea to entertain the wedding guests. It allows to preserve the most significant memories of that day thanks to a massive participation of the guests. To date, this complicity is already very present in the wedding albums, with more dynamic photos in the company of the spouses, but with the guestbook, an extra piece is marked in immortalizing the magical moments of the couple.

The guests can write a special dedication, a wish or even just sign their presence on the most important day of their friends. It has the shape of an album, and is generally decorated with the theme chosen by the spouses for the wedding. Among the most used in 2019?

  • Marino . For those who choose to get married in Naples or on the Amalfi Coast, it is a very requested theme to decorate the guestbook with starfish and various objects. A nice idea is also to make small bottles in which the guests will be able to insert their messages of greetings to the spouses.

  • Map . They are chosen to make public the dedications to the spouses to be placed on a map drawn with the most beautiful destinations in the Campania Region.

  • There is also for those who opt for classic guestbooks with a romantic style (cards in the heart to insert in a closed box) or a more rustic style (with an elegant wooden folder in which to write dedications to the spouses).

    Soap bubbles and DIY photos for a more dynamic wedding

    Entertaining wedding guests can also be fun, where solutions can be chosen to make the reception more dynamic. If then allows you to involve not only adults but also children, here is a nice idea to be proposed. What are we talking about? To put on each table of the guests packages of soap bubbles . Everyone will be free to decide when to use them, including children. However, in most cases, as soon as one of the guests gives the go, so many bubbles of flavor follow one another by the rest and a very cheerful atmosphere around the couple.

    Another nice idea to entertain guests is to allow them to take photographs. In general, the photographers themselves propose the idea and make available on a table a Polaroid or a disposable machine to make fun shots that will enrich the traditional album. The photographer himself will also be able to propose a photo booth corner, that is a space where the guests can take more lively photos wearing wigs, glasses and other fun accessories.

    Fireworks to close the cake cut

    A wedding takes so many hours and often the guests arrive tired at the end of the day. Well, there are useful solutions to entertain them even at the end of the ceremony, especially if it is an evening wedding. For example, white balloons or Chinese lanterns can be launched and create a nice effect in the sky to honor the couple. Or again, predicting fireworks after cutting the cake . In the latter case, it is however good practice to ask the restaurant for permits and propose this idea only if there is adequate outdoor space.

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