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When ambition equals talent: Giusy Nardi visagist

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Who can call himself a true dog lover if you don’t remember the famous phrase of the cult movie “Blow” pronounced by George Jung, aka Johnny Depp, when he finally says that his ambition far surpassed his talent ? Well in this case, the ambition of this 30-year-old Neapolitan girl has rather equaled her talent : Giusy Nardi made her desire to emerge, the sweat of her forehead, and hard work to excel the fertile ground for his talent , already thriving in itself. If in fact we wanted to ask ourselves what talent is without too many disquisitions, we could say that it is the natural propensity of a human being to perform at best a certain activity, a propensity that Giusy has cultivated and developed over time, and this is why we believe we deserve a Article.

Giusy: simply

Green eyes, the cheeky smile, a cool haircut and a clear face: Giusy is a girl who lives in Naples where she was born and grew up. He attended a high school in a well-known Neapolitan neighborhood but immediately understood that his future would be another : between books and certain notes, however, concerning not history or philosophy but all that there is to know to improve and enhance the features of a face through makeup . In fact, he enrolled at the “Centro Chiaia” school where he successfully obtained the diploma as a visagist more than 10 years ago, and where today he has moved from the other side of the chair : he teaches in his own institute, taking lectures and courses sponsored by the Campania Region. His passion for makeup dates back to his high school years when, after doing his homework, he spent his spare time in the dance school he was enrolled in : Giusy always rigged all the essays at every essay girls, discovering not only good but really carried for this job , and that’s how her journey begins.

Giusy: the technique

Giusy is inspired by the work of the famous make-up artist Carlo Noto and, in spite of all the Americanisms, he says he admires the work of Italian makeup artists who manage to mix color with elegance and naturalness on the faces of the most famous showbiz women in Italy. The technique he prefers, as well as the most requested, is that of the highlighter : “highlighter” in Italian means “highlighter” which is indicative of how much brightness < / strong> manages to give this type of color diffusion to the face. It is not difficult to understand why it is the most requested: Which woman would not like to appear luminous in any day of her life?

Giusy: bridal makeup

Speaking of a make-up artist today without mentioning her way of understanding her profession in the field of bridal makeup would be really like making a cake without eggs: there is no glue, and it would lead a totally inadequate speech . The password for Giusy when it comes to bridal makeup is really one and only one: subjectivity . Even if it considers essential the technique, the color, the proportions and the forms, this meticulous girl believes that every bride on her wedding day must feel herself , without being afraid to indicate what she likes and what but not according to his tastes, his opinions and, simply, his personality . This is why Giusy believes that makeup tests are essential: they will give a measure of how much the bride is satisfied with the result, what needs to be changed, what there is to enhance and why not, simply give a hint to the bride of how she will appear on her most beautiful day.

Giusy: future projects and contacts

The future projects of this talented makeup girl for 11 years now concern the possibility of working in the world of fashion and shooting , a field in which he has already had occasion to perform some small, big experience. If you are curious, you want to observe a clean and humble job, if you want to get in touch with Giusy for a ceremony, a party, to entrust yourself to her on your wedding day, you can do it in the various social pages where you can admire his works: just look for on facebook and giusynardimakeup on Instagram You can send her a message and ask her to get in touch with you: you will only receive availability and tact from this sweet career mom.
& Nbsp;

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