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Solidarity favors: a way to help on your special day

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When we talk about our wedding, of course we think of ourselves first : it’s a day that we want to dedicate all and completely to the celebration of our love , to a goal achieved, to the beginning of a life together. But there is a way to contribute on the day of your marriage even to the happiness of someone who is less fortunate than us, who has a disease, who fights for life every day. We can make sure that our wedding favors are in solidarity.

Solidarity favors: what is it?

When you go to choose the favors in one of the many specialized shops you can ask the order, during the visit or before even to go to the store, if they adhere to the solidarity network that concerns the favors. The solidarity wedding favors are very simple favors whose part but the proceeds from the sale is donated to some associations that deal with solving problems related to world hunger, poverty, children exploited in the world, environmental protection, medicine. Choosing a solidarity favor is a way to participate with your own joy in the desire to do something for this world whose problems overcome the solutions.

Solidarity favors: who proposes them?

There are several associations that deal with providing solidarity favors to which you can turn or directly or, as we have said above, indirectly by going to sales outlets that contemplate this type of initiative. Below we list 3 of the associations that, in different areas, allow solidarity party favors:

Unicef ​​: is the United Nations Children’s Fund, subsidiary of the Nations Unite founded in 1946 born to help children victims of the Second World War. Today it is headquartered in New York but is present in 190 countries around the world dealing with humanitarian assistance for children and their mothers around the world . Built with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965, UNICEF gives the possibility to donate part of the proceeds from the sale of solidarity party favors to its body.

WWF : is an international non-governmental organization of protection of the environment, of animal species at risk, and of animal species in general, which is based in Gland, Switzerland. Founded in 1961, it has a precise mission that attempts to reach without help from the governments of the world and relying instead on the sensitivity and love that every single man should have for the Earth, which is the place in which he lives. The WWF solidarity wedding favors are very particular as, among those proposed, the site gives the possibility to choose which project in progress to devolve part of the proceeds of the sale. Once ordered, the favors will arrive within 30 days.

AIRC : Helping medical research, and in particular research that deals with experimentation to find a cure against what is called the disease of the century, cancer is possible by buying solidarity favors for AIRC. The AIRC is the Italian association for cancer research , a private non-profit organization that was founded in 1965 and that gets its funding thanks to wide-ranging national initiatives. It is possible to purchase solid wedding favors in which part of the proceeds can be donated to AIRC.

On their best day, not everyone thinks of the possibility of helping to do something good for the world. The solidarity favors allow us to do so and to make us participate, even if indirectly, in some wonderful and important initiatives.

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