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Atelier Emè: the kingdom of the wedding dress

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There is nothing in the world that is for a bride more important than the dress she will wear the most important day of his life, and perhaps for that day there is no more difficult decision than choosing the atelier to go to and decide on his own suit, as well as accessories and shoes. However, in the Campanian landscape there is a particular atelier that stands out for the value and magnificence of the clothes it proposes: we are talking about the Atelier Emè .

Atelier Emè: history

The Emè atelier is a leading company throughout Italy for creating and producing of wedding dresses, and one of its most important locations is certainly the one located in Vanvitelli Square in Naples . Since 1961 it has now dressed more than 500,000 brides , thanks to a production entirely focused on Made in Italy and the designer as well as artistic director Raffaella Fusetti who offers from season to season very wide profile collections .

Atelier Emè: production

The creations of the Atelier Emè are all rigorously handmade with professionalism and deep craft knowledge of seamstresses thanks to a research and design department which contributes to creating 300 models every year . The clothes are designed for every type of bride : from the most modern to the most minimal, from the most romantic to the most elegant and refined. All the brides in the world, from those with more particular tastes to those with the most bursting physicality, can find in the Emè atelier a real realm of the wedding dress in which to find the perfect one, whatever type of bride you are. >

Atelier Emè: exclusivity

On your wedding day, don’t miss the chance to dress in an exclusive wedding dress as created by what is considered the leading company in Italy for the production of wedding dresses totally Made in Italy, and which boasts its presence in national and international boutiqués. Whether they are dresses with modern lines, with particular decorations of lace and lace, with original or patterned colors, with floral or monochrome prints, all the dresses from this Atelier will surprise you and amaze all your guests. The clothes of this Atelier are aimed at all those brides who want to leave their mark and who want to wear a dress whose magnificence is at the height of their dream of love, which makes them unique and faces them feel comfortable at all times of the long-awaited event.

Atelier Emè: Contacts

The Atelier Emè allows its spouses to book an appointment through a specific item present on the official website of the Atelier and go to the store in Naples following the following days and times: d at Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 20:00 It is then possible to book by email or in the most classic way: by calling the Atelier and getting the phone number on the site.

The Atelier Emè is aimed at all the women of the world who, for their marriage, wish only the best .

& Nbsp;

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