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Cheese graters: which one to choose?

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Outside it is winter, it is cold, it is raining and we are at work, eager to go home and be enveloped by the tender warmth of the kitchen from the smoking stove. We decided for a hot soup: vegetables and legumes, excellent to face the first seasonal ailments. Let’s go back home, finally, and set the table: tablecloth , dishes < / span> , glasses , napkin ring and colored candles, finally supper! but it seems that something is missing … but of course: what better element than a nice dose of grated cheese to flavor our soup? Grated cheese goes well with numerous dishes and if we don’t like the vacuum packs that you buy at the supermarket with the grated cheese and instead we prefer fresh cheese every day, we can’t miss the grater at our house . But, how many types of grater do they exist and how to choose the one that best suits our needs?

Classic grater

The classic grater , in steel o in aluminum, it is what we have all seen as children at least once in a lifetime. There are types with a round shape and others that support support. There is at least one in every house, even just as a souvenir. The defect of a classic grater is, however, that it requires a very accurate maintenance, given the difficulty in washing which presents in eliminating the cheese residues from the lines between the holes;

Electric grater

Let’s face it, however: grate the cheese manually is often a nuisance , one because your hands get dirty, and two because the classic manual graters are very difficult to wash. In the age of pressing technology, therefore, this inconvenience was also solved: in fact, there are electric graters on the market that work with electricity or batteries that have the advantage of grating the same amount of cheese in half the time compared to how much it would take if you decided to grate the cheese by hand. The only drawback is that the electric grater takes up more space than a classic one , but this is an acceptable disadvantage if you don’t like grating the cheese manually.

Food Processor Mixer

Many people do not use the grater, but use the special accessory of the food processor or mixer they have at home . The result in terms of softness of grated cheese is similar, but it all depends on the power of the engine and the blades that are supplied with the accessories. The advantage of such a method for grating cheese is that in this case you don’t need to buy additional tools that cost and take up space.

Although it is not the first element to think about when it comes to kit , it is true that the cheese grater is very useful in every house where you love to cook typical dishes and foods healthy of our tradition involving the addition of cheese. We hope then to have provided, with these brief considerations, the tools for having a clearer idea to anyone who is about to buy a grater.

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