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Moka: how to choose the right one?

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Ah, the coffee! But how many times does it become just an excuse to meet a friend? how many times is it prepared for a guest as soon as he arrives home? and how often do we fail to finish the meal without coffee? This aromatic drink with its dark color and full-bodied taste has become a pretext for moments of aggregation and company, inevitable in every home . In order for coffee to be excellent, however, there is a need for excellent instruments i: leaving out the modern manual espresso machines, in capsules or in pods, we’ll talk in the article of his majesty the moka , a small talent with enormous powers, indispensable like tablecloths , tea services < / a>, centerpiece and < span style = "text-decoration: underline;"> cutlery services . Invented in 1933 to the delight of all those who love coffee , the moka has undergone several changes over time in the use of the materials it produces and in its features. How to choose the most suitable one? In the article we offer a series of useful tips for choosing the perfect moka for your home using some keywords: use, material , style.

Use: how to use a moka?

The moka, as we have said, is used for making coffee. But how is it used? First of all in order to work, the moka needs a coffee whose grinding is neither too fine, as for the espresso, nor too big, as for the filter systems . If the particle size is not right, in fact, we will have two chances of failure: grinding too fine results in extraction difficulties and therefore burned coffee; too coarse grinding results in rapid passage of water and therefore too long coffee, with a faded taste. That said, the moka consists of three elements: boiler, filter and collector . The basis is the boiler in which water is put ; the filter rests on the base and the coffee is poured into it ; the collector is the part top of the mocha where the drink is collected which comes out of the boiling water in contact with the ground coffee. The quantity of coffee and the volume of water depend on the size of the coffee maker.

Material: how is a moka made?

The most common materials for making moka are:

Aluminum . This material ensures that the moka is rapid in going up in temperature and being light in use. However, it is necessary to clean it thoroughly after each use and avoid storing it wet. Moreover, if you do not pay much attention when emptying the filter, “slamming” it to remove the used coffee, the chances of the damaged part quickly deteriorating and no longer allowing adequate sealing of the gasket are high. Among the different materials, it is one of those that tends to give more of a “metallic” taste to the drink and to give this very often a taste of burnt coffee.

Steel . This material ensures that the moka is very robust and has good homogeneous heat conduction , although it is a little slower than aluminum when it comes to temperature. They are generally heavier but have the advantage of not giving any taste to the coffee and keeping it warm for a long time.

Steel and ceramics. The steel and ceramic moka pots, in addition to being very beautiful aesthetically, with a steel or aluminum base and ceramic top, are among the best as coffee goes to temperatures lower than other materials, thus preserving more of its aromas.

These are the most used materials for making a coffee that is good, even if there are other materials such as plastic (which is used only in microwaves) or glass which tend to give the coffee a slightly burnt taste.

Style: which mocha to choose?

There are different types of moka pots on the market today with very numerous features . However, like a centerpiece, a bath towel , of a quilt or a flowerpot , also the moka is considered today an element that furnishes : it is not unusual to buy more moka than you need for real use only because they are pieces that they want to be displayed on shelves, shelves or furnishings. Therefore a very good suggestion would be to choose the mocha based on what is the style you have chosen for your home : induction hob? moka in aluminum, minimal and without decorations; kitchen colored? steel and ceramic moka with colored ceramic element; shabby style kitchen? moka in steel and glass. Obviously these are not rules, but only indications in order to ensure that even the moka design fits into a harmony of taste and style given to the house.

Choosing the perfect coffee maker for your home may not be easy. We hope to have provided useful advice to anyone who wants to purchase this magical object.

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