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Marriage on the beach, why choose it and how to organize it in Campania

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Among the most romantic options, the beach wedding gives intense emotions to the spouses who decide to let themselves be enchanted by these settings. Moreover, our Region, gives us many locations that make the beach their strong point. Find out which and also some useful tips to choose the best locations for beach wedding in the area.

When organizing a beach wedding, the best moments

Without a doubt it is to be considered that a beach wedding requires beautiful days for a top organization. Being a totally open environment, it is essential that there is not too much wind or rain to ruin this moment. It is advisable, above all, to opt for the summer periods or starting from the June month and up to the first weeks of September. Important, you should also book the beach location in advance to take care of the reception.

Being a very specific choice to celebrate the happy event, it is necessary to take care of everything in the smallest detail and ask already in the quote phase, how this location organizes a wedding. Attention, above all to how the outdoor space on the beach! can be exploited

From catering, to external fittings or even to an alternative alternative in the event of bad weather, it is essential to ask for as much information as possible for the best organization of an external reception on the beach.

Some of the most beautiful locations in Campania for a beach wedding

And the most beautiful locations in Campania for a beach wedding? We have selected several that meet the requirements of a romantic place and where you can set up a part of the reception or all the celebrations.

Moreover, all the facilities are well equipped to accommodate one of the most romantic moments of a beach wedding, the sunset or the natural background par excellence of the most beautiful photos of the spouses.


  • Kora Events . It is a famous location in the province of Pozzuoli that presents the possibility of organizing the wedding reception on the beach. Among other things, it also organizes live shows in the evening to create a very suggestive climate by the sea. Equipped with additional elegant rooms, you can also opt for this type of solution without giving up a very romantic beach background.

  • Vision events. The location is located in Bacoli and directly overlooks the beach. The latter can be requested exclusively by the spouses to use the structure with a very romantic background. It is also equipped with an internal kitchen to personalize the reception menu and to take care of even the smallest details.

  • Sohal . Its strong point is the panoramic terrace overlooking the sea. Even the interiors are very elegant and with a romantic background of the beach in the territory of Bacoli. It also offers a selection of local products and mostly based on fish for the relative catering.

  • Pozzuoli and Bacoli, are among the main places to offer facilities equipped for a beach wedding and by consulting the various sites, it is already possible to have a good idea on how to organize the reception with this romantic background.

    Beach reception, here are more ideas to consider for your wedding

    For those who want to evaluate other areas for a beach wedding, it is always important to consider booking at least a year and a half in advance. Furthermore, the best structures of the Campania Region are to be consulted online to contact them on a free quote or for an appointment on site.

    Procida, for example, is a very popular destination for a summer wedding and besides offering very fascinating views for photos, it presents itself with very elegant facilities to organize a reception on the beach. An example is the Conchiglia restaurant , with very elegant interiors and obviously with a sea view. Alternatively, it is possible to evaluate the splendid Pollica (in the province of Salerno). Facilities like Le Serre di Mare , allow you to organize a wedding reception directly on the beach.

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