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Wedding favors, when to buy them and which ones to choose

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For the spouses the choice of the favors represents an important moment for the wedding. We speak, in fact, of an object that is donated to one’s guests to symbolize the union that has taken place. But when is it appropriate to choose it and which types can be most suitable? In this guide we will talk about this and much more to help you with this choice.

Move ahead to evaluate the favor to buy

If you already have the wedding date available, then you are already at a great point for choosing the favors. This is because it is necessary to give the company enough time to make a precise number based on the guests who will be present on this day. Furthermore, it is common to insert inside the favor box, a note with the names of the spouses and the date of the wedding, as well as obviously white and odd numbered confetti.

Moving a few months in advance is therefore a must to guarantee a timely delivery of the desired number and to consider not only the guests at the reception. According to the practice, the favors also go to those who do not participate in the celebration, where a wedding gift has been donated. Furthermore, parents of the spouses and witnesses must be excluded from the aforementioned count. For both, it is important to opt for more specific objects and generally also different ones in terms of size.

Purchase wedding favors on online sites or at local fairs

For the choice of the favor, the spouses rely on different options with the aim of finding an object that can be useful and please the guests. Online sites of companies specializing in the production of favors, can be a useful first step to compare multiple objects and choose some of the most preferred. Another useful idea is to participate in trade shows on the theme of marriage organized in one’s own city. An opportunity, also to meet many suppliers in one place and define not only the choice of favors but also other services for the most beautiful day of your life. Do you get married in 2019? Well here for you some of the most important fairs scheduled for the year and where it could be useful to go to compare more suppliers of favors and choose your favorite:


  • My Bride. Scheduled dates between 05 and 19 October 2019 at the Auchan commercial park in Giugliano.

  • Wedding at the Fair. In Caserta, another important event for the bride and groom on 04, 05 and 06 October. Additional dates are also expected on 11, 12 and 13 October 2019.

  • We advise you to consult more information on the official pages, as well as to evaluate other new and upcoming trade shows in Campania on the best wedding favors suppliers.

    The most popular wedding favors for 2019

    Wedding favors are objects that can also reflect one’s personal taste and convey something unique that allows guests to remember this special day spent with the spouses. But which are the most popular ones for 2019?


    • Classic style. We refer to objects in Capodimonte porcelain or in Silver. These, in fact, always remain a much sought after object to give to their guests. Elegant, they can be placed in any place of the house and leave a very appreciated memory and hardly placed in a drawer by the guests.

    • Nature . Many spouses have recently adopted a nice initiative and with a favor box very alternative to the one just mentioned in the classic style. It is a question of giving a small plant and its care is quite simple. However, if you opt for this choice, it is important to consider the period in which the marriage will take place, avoiding this kind of idea in the months that are too cold or too hot.

    • Solidarity. There are also solidarity party favors or those produced by important charities that donate the proceeds to the most needy. In this case, it will be objects that are simple enough to give to guests and more than anything else as a symbol, since the main purpose of this type of favors is to do charity.

    • For the choice of the favors, it is then to consider the purchase in a second moment of particular objects for the witnesses and the parents of the spouses. Highly requested, favors identical to the guests but with a larger size or silver photo frame.

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