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Wedding album: 3 useful tips to choose

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What could be nicer than keeping the memory of your special day ? The photo shoot of your wedding is an essential element to capture the most beautiful moments of your wedding which will be imprinted on our wedding album. But how to choose the most suitable wedding album for us? The market offers various proposals of various types and, therefore, we propose three useful tips in order to choose the one that is most in line with our tastes.

Choose the type of album

On the market there are different types of photo albums to choose from for your wedding, that surely the photographer you have chosen will be able to show you. The most common types of albums are the classic and the photo book . The classic album consists of a binder album in which each page hosts a photo with the right format pasted by the expert hands of the photographer; the photo book, on the other hand, has smaller dimensions, thicker pages, non-existent binding and appears not as a binder but just like a book whose pages are the photos themselves . If you prefer something that lasts longer, choose a photo book because the classic album, however beautiful, tends more to give way to the wear and tear of time.

Do not exceed the number of photos

A photo album of your wedding must collect the highlights of your special day for make sure they remain etched in your memory, but you shouldn’t even get too tired when we propose to see it or show it to others, friends and relatives who may ask. Therefore it is the case to not choose too many photos for your album , but instead choose a right number, which does not tire us or even others when we decide to expose it. Therefore, do not exceed the maximum number of 80 photos to avoid overloading the album.

Choose one or more albums?

The wedding album is basically unique , almost as if to underline the uniqueness of this day. Some photographers, however, tend to recommend, in addition to the main album, smaller albums and twins of the main one to give to the respective parents of the spouses, as thanks for helping them in organizing their big day.

Choosing the wedding album is not always as easy as you might think . We hope to have provided some useful advice to all those who need to choose a wedding album for their special day.

& Nbsp;

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