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Naming the wedding tables? 3 things to know

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The moment of marriage has finally arrived and almost all the finished things : participations , bomboniere , placeholders , auto , list wedding etc. However, it remains to decide a last thing that concerns the moment of receipt, that is to say for the names to be given to the tables of your wedding . In the article we propose 3 useful tips to be taken into consideration before “naming” the tables.


The first thing to do when deciding to name the tables for your wedding reception is understand what we like, what we love . The best thing is to give a name to the tables based on something we care about: for example, if we are fans of a singer like Pino Daniele, we can choose to name the tables using the titles of the most famous songs , or if we are flower lovers, we can give the names of our favorite flowers to the tables, perhaps decorating each card with a reproduction of the flower itself.


Once you have made a list of the things you like they turn out to be too much and you have confused ideas more than you’d expect. The right thing to do in this case is certainly not to draw lots: what is to be done instead includes doing a skimming of the things we have decided to list . How: let’s say you are art lovers, but you don’t love all of Art, but only one current in particular, like Impressionism or Surrealism. Then we choose to name the tables starting from this: if I love Impressionism, the works are millions; let’s avoid them, and choose the names of the most famous painters , so as to have a rich but limited panorama.


You didn’t need to use the previous steps because you have always been a football fan and decided to decorate the tables with the colors of the various teams you are going to name. You will need to give it a try: the Roma table, red yellow, does not marry with that of Fiorentina, purple. You will have a bunch of colors that, paradoxically, will make you hate what you swore was perfect before the test. Even in this case, make tests , in order to be sure that what we think we like, actually convince us.

Naming tables for your wedding is not always easy. We therefore hope to have been able to give advice to all those who have to carry out this operation.

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