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Pan: the 5 most popular materials to choose from

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The pan : the undisputed lady of the cookware batteries , the undisputed queen of spaghetti at midnight, the star of the four jumps. The pan is a type of pot that is used so frequently that it can be bought regardless of whether or not it belongs to a set of pans. But which one to choose? In general the pans from an aesthetic point of view are all the same : pots with a wide bottom, long handle, average high edge. Obviously you can find different colors and fantasies, even some pans reproduce images of their favorite TV series characters. But what differentiates the pans the most from each other is the material with which they are composed that makes the pan in question have qualities rather than others. So let’s see what materials the pans are made on the market.

Gold or silver pans

Although these are exclusive materials that have a fairly high cost, these metals are used to make pans and have the advantage of provide tremendous energy savings given the excellent ability to conduct heat and withstand thermal shocks. < strong> The excellent ability to conduct heat make these materials particularly suitable for very long cooking with a very moderate flame , from soups to braised meats and stews. They are also ideal for meat or fish burns, obtaining perfect uniform browning immediately. They are also perfect for preparing risottos. For the preciousness of the materials, it is preferable to wash these pans by hand and not in the dishwasher to avoid damaging them.

Aluminum pans

Aluminum pans are particularly appreciated for their specific weight, particularly light and therefore suitable for everyday use. Among the characteristics of aluminum we must remember its excellent thermal conductivity so you should never use a flame too high or heat the pan when it is empty and its remarkable resistance to shocks, thermal shocks, abrasions and to corrosion.In addition, contrary to what one might believe, the use of aluminum pans is not contraindicated for those who are allergic to nickel , because during cooking the release of this substance is really minimal . Given the delicacy of the material, it is recommended to prefer a hand wash with mild detergents without using abrasive sponges.

Frying pans in steel

Steel pans are particularly appreciated for their great value, that is to say possessing an enormous resistance to abrasion and corrosion . The material has a very high price range and its use is not recommended for those who have particular allergies , as during cooking it releases traces of nickel and chrome potentially harmful. Steel is perfect for bain-marie cooking (where the container has no liquid inside, but outside), for boiling and immersion cooking. Furthermore, steel is particularly suitable for marinating acid products, brines and cold food immersions. Easily washable material that tends to form halos, so it is advisable to dry the pan immediately after washing.

Copper pans

Copper is famous for being a material with extraordinary thermal conductivity and is therefore preferable for cotture slow and constant at low temperatures and, on the contrary, it is not recommended to use copper pans to cook acidic foods as an apple dori (rich in citric and malic acids), sweet and sour sauces and in general foods that require the addition of acid substances during cooking. They have a fairly high price range and are therefore not accessible to everyone. Given its delicacy, you should not use too-rough sponges when subjected to washing as these could damage them.

Stone pans

Cooking on stone pans means preferring simple and quick cooking . The stone, in fact, despite having a low thermal conductivity, holds heat for a long time and has excellent non-stick properties. The heat is distributed homogeneously in a gentle and prolonged manner and, if placed on the oven, the conductivity is complete and uniform. The pans made with this material, however, have the defect of sometimes absorbing smells and tastes of cooked foods . These pans are very practical because the characteristics of the stone make it particularly easy to clean the cooking surface. We do not recommend the use of the dishwasher and in general of detergents: instead, prefer water-based and vinegar-based washes.

Even the choice of a pan can lead to difficulties. We therefore hope that the article will help all those who are preparing for this type of purchase.

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