When the wedding preparations have finally come to an end and everything has been taken care of in every detail, from participations at bomboniere , from auto to marriage to < span style = "color: # 0000ff; text-decoration: underline; "> wedding list and honeymoon, from the choice of theme to that of floral decorations, to the future spouses, all that remains is to dedicate oneself to oneself . In particular, the bride should be interested in the choice of ‘dress, of the hairstyle , of the shoes , of jewels and make-up . In particular, make-up is a very important element to take care of as the bride will face strong emotions that day , kisses of good wishes, photo shoot and a wonderful but long day: a perfect make-up is what manages to not spoil before the thousand emotions of this day . Then in the article we propose the 5 basic rules to follow before choosing your makeup and your makeup artist, so you can be sure that you have chosen the best for yourself that day.
Documenting in person
The choice of bridal makeup is, of course, of the bride and must therefore reflect taste and style . Surely it is good to accept advice from people who have already married and have therefore gone through this experience, but the task of the bride in order to choose what is right for herself is to read up looking for information < / strong> on make-up artists, take part in the ad hoc days organized for bridal makeup by beauty salons, go to events like “all about the wedding world” where you can meet make-up artists specializing in bridal makeup . It is useful to have show the photos of the work previously made, better if related by a “before” and an “after” job: you will be able to immediately guess skill del make up artist , identifying what is right for you.
Choose based on what you like
After identifying the makeup artist who looks perfect, the bride has the right but above all the duty to indicate what they are his desires: it is a right because on that day the bride must express herself in everything and for everything, but it is also a duty to communicate what she likes because otherwise the make-up artist he will believe he has done his best by following his own inclinations when the bride will not be happy at all. You need to trust your makeup artist, but you also need to express your own a personality : therefore, be wary of those who impose their ideas too much and expect brides to be rigged only in a certain way. If, for example, you love color and come up against a setting too natural , almost “naked”, that make-up artist not for you.
Choose combining make-up with dress and hairstyle
It will seem trivial to indicate this as a rule to be followed since it seems quite obvious that we need to give an overall idea in which there are no problems, but often It’s not obvious for everyone. So we say it loudly: the makeup must be combined with the style of the dress and hairstyle chosen for the big day . A good make-up artist will usually ask you where you will get married, what kind of dress you have chosen and what kind of hairstyle will decorate your face and indeed he will do more: the best make-up artists often choose to contact the hairdresser chosen by bride in such a way as to understand how to behave according to what he has in mind, because the proportions of the face obviously change based on how you chose to style your hair that day.
Claim the trick test
The wedding day has arrived. The bride wakes up and has her make up in mind. The make-up artist arrives at her home, follows her directives to the letter, exaggerates perhaps with emphasizing the features even against her will, and finally the bride, having finished her work, can look in the mirror: it is a real tragedy because the bride does not like it and no time to fix it. A good make-up artist must propose a make-up test and a careful bride must expect the makeup test to take place , as often what you think is perfect for us turns out to be completely wrong. Again: a good make-up artist will make up the face for half as the bride understands and the other half as he would see it. This will allow you to immediately observe the differences , helping the bride to choose with more objectivity . It may happen that the makeup artist enhances the face more than the bride could have ever imagined.
Shave eyebrows at least 4 days before
The eyebrows, as we know, are the element that “make-up without make-up” in the sense that a perfect eyebrow does, in makeup, at least 40% of the work , because it is the place of expressiveness: the better it is treated the better the result. The bridal makeup requires that the bride let her eyebrows grow in the three weeks preceding the wedding and shave at least four days before the fateful yes : this will allow the make-up artist to adjust the shape of the eyebrows and avoid redness respectively which may worsen with the makeup application. Therefore never shave the eyebrows on the day of the wedding!
Before choosing your own make-up artist, there are elements to consider that can help the bride make the right choice. We therefore hope to have given the best advice to all the women who are preparing to choose the make-up artist for their wedding day.