Excellent and refined, the Florentine silk is famous throughout the world thanks to the high quality that guarantees.
Silk, as we know, is the most precious fabric that can be found on the market and, given its characteristics of softness, brilliance and pleasantness to the touch, remains still very much desired: in fact, there are not just a few people, of both sexes, who use products made with silk. Let us remember that among the various garments that made up the traditional kit nuptial , silk was never missing: dressing gowns, blankets, underwear and more. We talk about tradition, but it still remains alive as will. But how is the art of silk born ?
The Art of Por Santa Maria , commonly known as Silk Art , was one of the seven Major Arts delle Guilds of the Arts , a real association (established between the 12th and 13th centuries) of highly specialized professionals and workers who guaranteed a perfect product to sell on the market.
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The real Florence silk production boom yes however, starting from 1314, the year in which Lucca it was conquered and sacked by Uguccione della Faggiola, lord of Pisa. Following this occurrence, many Lucchesi silkmakers decided to move to Florence to escape poverty: the production of the city greatly increased and market demand also increased.
All the experience and knowledge that the white Guelphs brought with them was such as to start the silkworm crops in the city of Florence, but above all it was able to make the fiorentina silk a product to be exported throughout Europe and the Mediterranean and no longer a production aimed at local market.
However, the combination of the intensity of the color and the delicacy of the silk were not the only elements that contributed to making these fabrics famous: in the most precious garments it was used the gold yarn . In fact, during the fifteenth century, beautiful fabrics embellished with gold and silver threads were made: a veritable treasure to keep.
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Heirs of a magnificent story, we just have to dream of medieval Florence as a beating heart of colorful vitality and brilliant productivity.