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Floral decorations for wedding: the 5 best florists in Naples

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A dream wedding in the splendid Neapolitan city certainly cannot do without a fundamental element: the flowers .

The floral decoration represents an irreplaceable decoration to embellish this magical day of celebration. The flowers must therefore first of all reflect the style and atmosphere that you will have given to the whole event: for example there are some flowers that are better suited to an outdoor wedding and others that, instead, adapt more to a more formal wedding. Therefore the choice of flowers for the ceremony, for the reception and for the bouquet must be made by contacting experienced florists who will advise you and guide you in the wide range of existing possibilities.

In Naples there is an embarrassment of choice in terms of floral arrangement professionals who, with their experience, they will help make your special day unforgettable. Here are some.

The Iodice Nursery

The Vivaio Iodice offers a wide choice for the preparation of churches, municipalities and locations to make your your most beautiful day unique. The staff will advise you on the combinations that best suit the personality of the couple. The Iodice Nursery manages to enhance every season of the year with its flowers: whether in spring or winter, staff will be able to create exciting atmospheres for your most beautiful day.

Regina floral creations

Regina floral creations has made of creativity in playing with flowers and colors, your strong point. The main feature of this staff is i nterpret immediately the wishes of customers and in particular the wishes of the spouses, transforming every little request into fabulous compositions.

Emperor Flowers

Emperor Flowers will be available to offer you for your wedding a complete service, from the creation of centerpiece to furnish your own location by supplying a flower for the groom’s, witnesses and father’s buttons. Emperor Flowers offers flowers of first quality and for any event : decorations for civil weddings, for churches, villas, hotels, in short: a solution for every need.

De Luca- Fiori in Naples since 1870

De Luca – Flowers in Naples since 1870 presents a staff that stands out for a particular talent in the study of spaces and of the style of the location to be decorated, studying the most appropriate solutions to the needs of the spouses. Their strength lies in an in-depth knowledge of modern flower design techniques.

Roberto From Floral Designer Guide

Roberto Di Floral Designer Guide has made attention to detail its strong point. Making a unique event is in fact the primary purpose of this staff, meticulously attentive to every detail to make your wedding one day unforgettable. The extraordinary ability to mix colors makes Roberto Di Guida Floral Designer able to offer solutions for every type of requirement.

So we hope that this little guide can be a starting point for those who have to choose flower arrangements for their special day.

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